In this video, we’ll build on fundamental goaltending techniques, combining lateral movement, butterfly slides, recoveries, and backward flow. These skills are essential for staying controlled and effective in high-pressure situations, such as in-tight shots or rush plays.
The Drill Breakdown
Starting Position:
Begin at the top of the crease in a centered position, square to the puck.
Responding to an In-Tight Shot:
When the puck moves off-center, prioritize covering the bottom of the net.
Drop into a butterfly slide by opening up and tracking down the puck’s movement.
Push and pull laterally to maintain positioning and cover the open space.
After making the save, lift your head, transition to a hybrid position, and recover back to the top of the crease.
Repetition and Alternation:
Perform the drill on both sides to ensure balanced development, focusing on tracking the puck and staying square.
Adding Complexity with Backward Flow:
Simulate a rush scenario by starting at the top of the crease and moving to a high-depth position.
Use a controlled C-cut to retreat while maintaining puck tracking and staying balanced.
Track down to the puck, execute a butterfly slide as needed, and recover smoothly to a ready position.
Key Focus Areas
Tracking: Always keep your eyes on the puck, from the initial movement to the save.
Control: Ensure smooth, deliberate movements during slides and recoveries to avoid overcommitting.
Balance: Stay steady in your hybrid position and avoid unnecessary depth that could compromise your ability to move effectively.
This drill combines essential skills into one cohesive practice, enhancing your ability to handle dynamic situations while maintaining proper positioning and control.